
Actual Weather

Forecast: Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours

Conditions at local time 03:27 on 23 April 2024
Temperature and humidity Freeze:
Feel like Temp40.8  
Apparent Temperature38.3°FLast hour variation (3hrs)-0.3°F
Wet thermometer39.8°FLast hour variation (Falling)-0.9°F
Average Temperature41.2°FDew point38.7°F
WindchillnoChill hours380.0
HumidexnoHeat indexno
Cloud base487 ftIs sun upNo
Rainfall rate0.00 in/hrRainfall Today0.00 in
Rainfall Last Hour0.00 inRainfall This Month1.21 in
Rainfall since midnight0.00 inRainfall This Year16.87 in
Rainfall last 24h0.00 inLast rainfall (1 Day, 9 Hour, 19 Min)2024-04-21 18:08
Current wind speed0.0 mphWind direction---
Wind Speed (gust)0.0 mphWind bearing
Wind speed (avg)0.0 mphWind bearing (avg)
Wind bearing range from000° (0°)to000° (0°)
Beaufort scaleF0Calm---
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer30.109 inAltimeter pressure30.097 in
Pressure trend-0.004 inSteady
Sun and Moon
Day length13:14Length of daylight14:05
Moon age14 Day  
Our Location
LatitudeN 32° 12' 10"LongitudeW 76° 26' 13"
Altitude0 ft  

Page updated : 4/23/2024 3:27:18 AM
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1099)