
Informations about our installation

This weather station is located at : Seaford, Virginia broadcasting on the Internet since 12 February 2024

I maintain this web site on a voluntary basis and the site provides online weather data for my local area Weather informations are updated every 5 minutes, and are available 24/7

The data provided on the site is collected by using the following weather station.

Our Location


Country : Seaford, Virginia USA

Our sensors are mounted at the end of the pier, about 5ft from the water (0 ft from sea level). Installation is out of obstruction from trees and building; surrounding areas are mainly water, grass and nature.


Longitude :  37.1982° N
Latitude :     76.4330° W


Country : United States of America
State : Virginia
City : Seaford

see this interactive map to locate our town.

Weather station

Station type: Davis Vantage Pro2
Computer:Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40GHz
 Windows 8 x64 build 9200