
All Time Records

Records began on 12 February 2024. Here are the extremes recorded since then.

Temperature and humidity
Highest Temperature 97.4 °F at 16h46 on 26 June 2024
Lowest Temperature 26.1 °F at 6h37 on 18 Febuary 2024
Highest Dew Point 84.1 °F at 19h01 on 6 July 2024
Lowest Dew Point 18.6 °F at 11h59 on 29 Febuary 2024
Highest Apparent Temperature 111.4 °F at 17h39 on 5 July 2024
Lowest Apparent Temperature 21.4 °F at 6h37 on 18 Febuary 2024
Lowest Wind Chill Temperature 26.1 °F at 6h37 on 18 Febuary 2024
Highest Heat Index 122.2 °F at 16h40 on 6 July 2024
Lowest Maximum 999.0 °F at 0h00 on 12 Febuary 2024
Highest Minimum -999.0 °F at 0h00 on 12 Febuary 2024
Highest Humidity 94% at 8h24 on 24 July 2024
Lowest Humidity 22% at 17h17 on 11 March 2024
Largest Daily Range 85.9 °F On 22 July 2024
Smallest Daily Range 0.0 °F On 12 Febuary 2024
Highest Rain Rate 5.82 in at 15h57 on 9 July 2024
Highest Hourly Rainfall 0.72 in at 23h57 on 14 May 2024
Highest Daily Rainfall 2.96 in On 28 March 2024
Highest Monthly Rainfall 9.71 in at 0h00 on 31 March 2024
Longest Dry Period 11 Day to 22 Febuary 2024
Longest Wet Period 7 Day to 25 July 2024
Highest Wind Gust 35.0 mph at 18h10 on 4 April 2024
Highest Wind Speed Average 17.0 mph at 22h33 on 28 Febuary 2024
Highest Daily Wind Run 176.8 miles On 12 April 2024
Pressure (sea level)
Lowest Pressure 29.193 in at 19h43 on 3 April 2024
Highest Pressure 30.586 in at 11h04 on 1 March 2024

Page updated : 7/27/2024 12:34:32 AM
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1099)